Friday 29 August 2008

Version 2.13

Contains a fix for Mac OS X. Now GetOpt_pp is fully portable.

Next change: GetOpt_pp VERSION 3. Comming soon.

Monday 4 February 2008

Version 2.11 released

This version just adds an #include, necessary for some old glibc versions. If you already downloaded GetOpt_pp and didn´t get a compiler error, then you don´t need this update.

Sunday 20 January 2008

Version 2.1 created

This version fixes a bug in OptionPresent when exceptions were activated.
Additionally, it simplifies exceptions usage by providing the exceptions_all() method and a new method end_of_options() to tell GetOpt_pp that you finished parsing, so if more options were specified, throw an exception.
I think this is the most stable version of all :)
Check the CHANGELOG and the documentation! (in the Validation page).

Monday 7 January 2008

GetOpt_pp version 2.01 available

And it'll be a while for the next episode to arrive (Episode 3: The Environment Stream).
Unless bugs show up, I'll be using this version.